Informationen aus Studien und Statistiken verstehen

How to Understand Information from Studies and Statistics for B1 Level

Studying and understanding statistics can be a challenging task, especially for those who are still developing their language skills. As a B1 level language learner, it’s important to understand the basics of how to interpret information from studies and statistics. This knowledge will not only help you with language exams but also in your daily life when you encounter news articles, reports or even in a job interview.

To help you get started, let’s look at some key German vocabulary words and their English translations that are commonly used when discussing studies and statistics.

German: die Studie
English: Study

German: die Statistik
English: Statistics

German: die Daten
English: Data

German: die Auswertung
English: Evaluation

German: das Prozent
English: Percent

With these words in mind, let’s look at a few examples to help you understand the information in studies and statistics.

Example 1:
Eine Studie wurde durchgeführt, um herauszufinden, welcher Prozentsatz der Menschen Kaffee am Morgen bevorzugt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 60% der Teilnehmer Kaffee bevorzugen, während 40% Tee bevorzugen.
A study was conducted to find out the percentage of people who prefer drinking coffee in the morning. The results showed that 60% of the participants prefer coffee, while 40% prefer tea.

Example 2:
Eine Umfrage wurde durchgeführt, um das durchschnittliche monatliche Einkommen der Arbeiter in Deutschland zu bestimmen. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass das durchschnittliche monatliche Einkommen €3.500 beträgt.
A survey was conducted to determine the average monthly income of workers in Germany. The evaluation showed that the average monthly income is €3,500.

Example 3:
Statistiken zeigen, dass die Anzahl der Menschen, die öffentliche Verkehrsmittel in Berlin nutzen, im vergangenen Jahr um 5% gestiegen ist.
Statistics show that the number of people who use public transportation in Berlin has increased by 5% over the last year.

By understanding the information in studies and statistics, you’ll be able to make informed decisions and communicate effectively with others. Practice reading articles and reports and try to identify the key information, such as the data and evaluations. With time and practice, you’ll soon become a pro at understanding information from studies and statistics!

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